Think and Grow Rich: Empowered Woman's Guide to Success

Napoleon Hill, Wendy Wallace

Stop Wondering What It's Like to be Rich And Start Putting Money in the Bank

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill with forward by Wendy Wallace

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Penulis buku Think and Grow Rich - Berpikir dan Bertumbuh Kaya

Some excerpt from Wendy Wallace's Forward

Many titans of business give this book, (and the author Napoleon Hill), credit for playing a role in their success.

Hill promises that if you put these techniques to use, you will almost immediately reap the benefits.

So often, we feel dissatisfied with our life. We know we want to create change, but we're just not sure exactly what we want or where we want to go next.

So, have a purpose, be aware of your thoughts and invest in your vision. Sounds good, right? But what about the big block that keeps many of us from moving forward? What do you do about fear of failure?

He also encourages you to stop playing small, tap into your burning desire and do what it takes to make things happen.

In this book, Hill explains how to move on from failure to create something and why it is important to not quit when Plan A doesn't work.